Product Development
Inventor and Illustrator

They Started as Sharpie Sketches

Hired as an Art Director hired to rebrand at PIC in 2017, it became quickly apparent that product development was a tremendous passion and the team was destined – and bursting – to make some really amazing things.

As a child, I used to want to draw anatomy illustrations for science books. Now I am meticulously creating patent drawings and an inventor at PIC® Corporation with many pending U.S. and International Design patents.

Starting out with collaborative team efforts in brainstorming and research, sparks fly and the innovation process takes off. It starts with hand sketches, quickly moving to 2D Illustrations, Patent Drawings and co-direction of 3D Designs. Once preliminary samples are produced, I provide direction for gorgeous 4K photo and video shoots. In parallel to this process, I’m already working on packaging concepts, and marketing is in full swing.

Imagery courtesy of PIC® Corporation, 2021.


Explore: Packaging & Branding